Monday, November 16, 2009

My son just broke his 4 front tooth. How fast is his gum will be healing?

This morning my son (4 years old) fell off the bed and knock out 3 front tooth and we have to take him to an emergency dentist and she has to pull out 1 more because it was too loose to save it. She said he's too young and if she save it, there is a chance that my son might swallow it and choke on it. He's home now and we give him some tylenol to control the pain. He's too young to go thru with all these pain and I hate myself for not be able to take his pain away. This is the worst feeling I ever felt. Being parents is so hard. I wish I can protect him from any kind of pain when he grow up. My god, I don't know how is he going to eat, and I think it will affect his speech too. I don't know if he will get teased in school or not. Does anyone have a similar experience? How do I take care his gum (where the 4 tooth were knock off). How soon can I brush his teeth? How fast is his gum will be healing? What can I do to make him feel better beside love him and caring for him?

My son just broke his 4 front tooth. How fast is his gum will be healing?
My son was sliding down the banister when he was 3, and someone opened the gate at the bottom and he fell off and knocked his two front teeth out on the rock and cement path we had. The dentist told us the same thing ... but when you see the dentist, ask for some prescription pain killers for him for the next 3 days to a week. She may advise you to use a 'topical anasthetic' that you can buy over the counter ... OraJel or any of the things you can buy for teething babies will relieve his pain ... and also give him lots of frozen treats, like popsicles. Feed him only soft foods and popsicles or other 'soft frozen' foods for the first week, but then just let him eat what he wants ... and he should be brushing his own teeth, twice a day by now ... just continue that brushing. There is some 'salt' in that toothpaste and that will help his gums heal. If necessary, get a 'soft' toothbrush for him (many kids start with a 'medium' brush), and tell him to brush his teeth AT LEAST four times a day while he's healing to help that healing go faster.

Your son may lisp a bit (my son didn't but many do when their front teeth are gone) ... and he shouldn't get TEASED. My son got very POPULAR because he'd knocked his teeth out, and had more friends, not fewer. And get him some new color books or paper and crayons so he can 'color' when he doesn't feel like being up and active. He'll be FINE much sooner than you will after this. He's only 4 and this is actually a 'big fun deal' for him with lots of attention ... YOU are a nervous wreck because you feel like a 'bad' mother. You're not a bad mom ... and no one will think so. Have your son 'smile' to show off his 'spaces' and tell people about him falling off the bed ... but I do hope that you put a 'guard rail' on that bed, so he doesn't fall off it again.
Reply:GO to A dentist LIKE now PLEASE
Reply:I know what you mean. My son is 13 months old and I would walk through fire so that he wouldn't have to go through any pain. Don't feel like an awful parent. These things happen, especially with young boys.

The dentist should have given you instructions on what he can eat and such, but I think you're going to be surprised at how resilient a child is.

And, don't worry about him being made fun of at school, children start to loose their baby teeth around age 5 or 6 anyway.
Reply:just ask the dentist about this..

they have the best answers
Reply:I would wait until the redness and white scabbing disappears.

Try to get him to swish his mouth with at least half mouth wash half water and make sure he spits it!

(I don't know if he gets that concept at his age?)

If he is able to swish that around do it 2-3 times a day until you are ready to brush. This will help!
Reply:Tylenol is good for pain. Don't let him drink out of a straw that affects the clotting, it should take about 7 to 10 days for the gums to heal. Give him soft food nothing to spicy not Hot Cheetos or sharp chips. Soup, mash potatoes. He will be fine. Good Luck!
Reply:Poor little guy and poor you! When my daughter was 3 she fell on a hard piece of furniture and her tooth went through her tongue. There was blood everywhere. The paramedics said they couldn't do anything. Try putting ice in a baggie. See if that is soothing. Ask your doctor how much tylenol or motrin to give him. To much can cause kidney and liver damage. You might be able to have a dentist build an appliance like a bridge that he could wear to school and when you go places. While his gums are sore you could probably puree his food and feed him applesauce, pudding, jello, soup. After his mouth doesn't hurt he could probably start with pancakes and peas, soft things. You could get some orajel at the drugstore. Rub it above the injury and in the roof of his mouth. You can gently brush his remaining teeth tommarow. It won't hurt to let it go one day after a trauma like this. These were baby teeth? I hope so because his new teeth should be in by age 6 when he goes to kindergarten and if they aren't it will just look like he lost a bunch of teeh early. At that age nobody knows, and don't they look cute with those missing teeth!

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